Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Diversity is a concept which encompasses acceptance and respect. It is a concept which explains that each individual is unique, and recognizes their individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age or any other ideologies. Diversity is also the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embrace and celebrate the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Diversity may refer to business, dance, politics, index, jurisdiction, scheme, training or any other field. 
Significant technological changes (such as printing press, electricity, the telephone, television, and computers) have increased the mobility of the people all over the planet during past hundred years. The invention of steam driven trains, the automobiles and inexpensive air tickets also contributed significant changes. The spread of democratic government, efflorescence of the middle class, Urbanization, Einstein’s theory of Relativity, change in the role played by women, the relaxation of many of the world’s geographic boundaries and the examples of what has been happening at the very rapid pace all over the world. This benchmark has been achieved because we have learnt to celebrate the diversity across us.
In fact the world seems to be getting smaller every day. Public and private institutions, metropolitan areas, even entire country seems less and less homogeneous. Most countries, in fact, have become transformed from one cultural society into ethnically, religiously or linguistically pluralistic. Our newly possible contact with many cultures or people is seen, more and more is enriching. The operation of Indian youth becoming global icons seems to exemplify the heterogeneity of today’s world. By the end of the nineteenth century, we have started to celebrate diversity and it has become a legitimate part of our social policy.
When we learn how to celebrate diversity, we learn to establish a partnership to develop talent amongst youth and utilize it for the betterment of humanity and nature. Celebrating diversity enables the beauty to enthrall, tradition to speak, culture to echo and diversity itself to delight. It sets a stage for improvisational skills and the latent talent housed in today’s youth. It makes a distinctive allusion to the fact that the only thing constant in this world is ‘change’.
The celebration of diversity makes a riot of colors and a sea of smiles which creates its own mark and leaves the other people flabbergasted and spell bound. It makes chromatic expression of pure energy, laudable talent and extreme exuberance. It makes an attempt to augment the vigor with several kinds of exhilarating features. It also makes an attempt to rediscover the essence of and a way to creatively create the uncreated. The celebration of diversity in the field of work place or in life enables an individual to fly freely and independently in air. 
Today in this era of enlightenment, the celebration of diversity has reached its own benchmark but is still aspiring for more. This has already created some places on the face of earth where all dreams of living men have found a home. Celebration of diversity will always provide a vision of the natural and real way of life. Diversity in every form (May it be cultural, political or anything else) has constantly been celebrated by individuals which had helped them in developing their power of knowledge, caliber and perseverance. That has inspired the youth to be the change that they want to see.

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