Thursday, June 5, 2014

Letter to The Minister - Food & Processing, Govt. of India

Date: 5th June 2014

Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal,
Honourable Minister - Ministry of Food Processing Industries,
Government of India
New Delhi.

Dear Mam,

First of all, a hearty congratulations to you for becoming the Minister for Food and Processing and taking up this huge responsibility of leading the nation in the area of Food with utmost dedication and commitment. Being a proud citizen of the country, I now feel that the responsibility has gone to the safe hands and on to the strong shoulders. 

I am writing this mail to enumerate to you few problems which our (your's and my) country is facing. I would not limit myself here, rather I would also like to present to you few suggestions which I feel will help me see many of my brothers and sisters sleep with two meals a day. 

Who would know better than you that a considerable part of India's population sleep hungry everyday. Moreover, the number is more when we talk of people not getting hygienic food. Under your able leadership and guidance, I am certain that the 100% of India will sleep without being hungry everyday. Here are few suggestions, which I would like to outline to you and your team:
  • Technological Advancements in Food Industry: Of late, there hasn't been much innovation in the food industry. I hope with proper investment in the field of research and technology in the food and processing industry, we will be able to extract much from the available.  
  • Empowerment of teams working on Waste Food Collection: It's not necessary that only human-beings should get meals. As per British Institute of Mechanical Engineers' Report 2013, nearly 50% of food got wasted in 2013. If we can utilize this food to feed our animals, our country would have healthy animals and at the same time be clean and green
  • Improvement in the ranking of GHI: India ranks 63 out of 88 countries on the 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI). I feel you should strategize all possible measures to improve our ranking in next 2-3 years
I also hope that you have a great team to work with you on this and you must be receiving several suggestions on this as well. I am also confident that you are equally concerned about this as much I am or we are. My best wishes to you and your entire team. I know the journey is not easy but when we have leaders like Madam Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Shri Narendra Modi Ji, then Waheguru will also come down to Earth to make India a HEAVEN.

Best Wishes, Regards and Jai Hind,
Varinder Singh
A proud Citizen of India